Welcome to the cruising blog of Wayne and Michele Sharp!

If you want to learn a little bit about cruising, satisfy your curiosity, live vicariously, or be entertained, I think you've come to the right place.

Feel free to ask questions or post comments in the comment section of each post; I will respond to all of them. You can also email us at reluctantsailor@me.com.

We've written a book based on the blog from our first journey in 2007 - Adventures of a Once Reluctant Sailor: A Journey of Guts, Growth, and Grace. It is available online from my website at reluctantsailor.net, and from Apostle Islands Booksellers, Copperfish Books, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Your local bookstore can also order it for you. We've included over 170 color and black and white photos.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Final thoughts on blogging

I hardly knew what a blog was before this trip, but Wayne and I both knew we wanted to do one as a simple way of keeping family and friends abreast of our journey. It quickly took on a life of its own, though, as we realized other benefits and I became a blogoholic. This blog has been a blessing in many unexpected ways.

First of all, I was amazed at how many people were reading the blog - not just friends and family, but their friends and family as well - and how interactive it became. You encouraged us and cheered us on. We received so many comments and emails from readers, and suddenly it became a lifeline of sorts. It helped alleviate loneliness and became my social life. I developed a compulsion to write and couldn't believe I had so much to say.

As the trip progressed and our memories were already beginning to blur (Where did we...? When did we...? What was the name of...?), we realized how important the blog was for ourselves. Now, due in large part to your encouragement, we're even entertaining the idea of putting it into a book for our children and grandchildren.

If you've ever thought about doing a blog - or even if you haven't - I encourage you to try it (especially you, Paula G.). My cousin, Tracy, keeps a family blog with beautiful photos and very fine writing;  (http://tracysscrapbook.blogspot.com/); I can only imagine how precious it will be to her children some day. Although blogger.com has a frustrating array of bugs and glitches, it's very easy to set up and use. By the time you read this, there will probably be more options available. And if you do have a blog or decide to start keeping one, please share it with me at msharprm@gmail.com. I haven't decided whether I will start a new blog - our normal life is pretty boring and not particularly blog-worthy - but would enjoy reading others in the meantime.

Finally, to those who have faithfully kept up with our blog or even just checked in periodically, we are humbled and grateful. It means so much to us that you care enough to take time out of your busy lives to follow our journey. I feel a bond with you because it's almost like you were with us. When people ask, "How was the trip?" I don't know where to start, but I want to say, "Read the blog - it's all there." If you were with us on our journey via the blog and have kept silent so far, I'd love to hear from you.

There will be at least one more post before I wrap this up, so please check back.


  1. Wayne and Michele,
    I have to tell you how much I enjoyed reading about your adventures. Checking your blog was quite often the first thing I did when getting to work in the morning. Maybe most of us have had that secret longing for just such an adventure so for a brief moment each update we could live vicariously through you. Anyway, thank you for sharing your adventures with everyone and God bless both of you.
    May your seas be calm and bridges be high (at least over 65').

    Sailors World

  2. Hey, Mike - thank you so much for your kind words and for following the blog. We're glad you enjoyed reading about the trip.

    May your secret longing for adventure become reality.

    Wayne and Michele

  3. Hi Wayne and Michele,
    Thanks for sharing your many adventures, thoughts, and wisdom with us. We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. God is good!

    I sent you an invitation to Megan's grad party on Dec. 15th. Let me know if you didn't get it. Hope you can make it. We would love to see you!

    Karen and Bob

  4. Thanks, Karen. We did receive the invitation and we should be able to attend Megan's open house. Hope to see you then!

    Wayne and Michele


We welcome and respond to comments and questions.